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Eu ma uit la seriale mai des, la filme mai rar mai ales in ultimul timp. Dar de fiecare data daca am subtitrare o folosesc. Nu ca nu as stii engleza, dar ma concentrez mai bine pe actiunea filmului daca nu imi mai si traduc in minte. In fine. Am observat o greseala care si...
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Astazi la scoala, care by the way a fost prima zi din al doilea semestru, eram pe afara ca de obicei cu niste colegi. Urma sa avem ora de sport si asteptam sa se sune. Stateam degeaba prin curte si un coleg, a facut un gest cam nesimtit dupa mine. De cealalta parte era un...
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So… yes

After only a day since the relase of the plugin Easy Multiple Pages (link), the plugin already has 165 downloads. 165 downloads in two days… not bad. Also, today the plugin appeared in Weblog Tools Collection(link). I hope this plugin is usefull for you guys. Thanks for using it.
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A few updates

I finally managed to install WLW(Windows Live Writer), and i really started to like it. Tomorrow i will have this semestera€™s paper(thesis) at history. I already had the other three ones, but the one at history is by far the hardest one. We had many lessons to learn. As i have already told you, i...
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Christmas already came to me

Well, everything and everyone in our city(and other cities too) is prepared and decorated for Christmas. Seeing this made me to create a new design for the blog, design which i will use this month till the next year. I hope you like the „Christmas Version” of my blog.
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Foolishness in Romania

In this video you can see an soaker talking about foolishness in our country, Romania. :)) I am wondering why the reporter picked this crapulous and asked him this question. Huh, asking a stupid what he thinks about idiocy it’s ridiculous. But after we saw the movie with Adi Despot and another dumb newswoman, we...
Dedicatie de la mine pentru tine:
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I’m not a driver, i’m a romanian one!

See this idiot driving? Yes, the one in the blue car. He is an completely idiot. Maybe you are wondering why? Well, on my street, there is an bus station, and by law, drivers must wait until the bus leaves the station. Well this hammer head came with aproximately 70-80 km\hour and cut out the...
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English Day

From now on, every post that i am going to publish on every Tuesday, will be written in English. I call this day „English Day” from now on. I hope that this is an original idea, i haven’t checked if someone also has this kind of day. This idea came to me as i was...
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Cred ca nu mai are rost sa zic, dar tema e facuta de mine cu Tailwind CSS. Gasesti codul sursa aici.
Inca folosesc WordpPess 🧡. Tema e insa custom Laravel 😎.