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The old story

Credeam ca nu prea se mai trimit emailuri de genul acesta. Vechea poveste. Daca ii raspunzi te pune sa ii bagi nu stiu cati bani in cont ca sa fie sigura si ca ti da a€˜napoi, dar cand colo, se face disparut/a. Nu puneti botul la faze de astea. Ii clar ca nu te alege fix pe tine o tipa din Singapore sa o ajuti la nu stiu ce faza cu bancile lor. Adica cum, te alege asa random fara sa te cunoasca? Saa nu picati in plasa acestor oameni.

Dearest One,
My name is Monica Sankara, I am the only daughter  of late Mr Johnson Sankara who was the Director of the Coffee export business in Bouake the northern city of Abidjan the Economic Capital of Ivory Coast.
My  mother died when i was a baby and for this reason, my father took me  so special because i was  motherless. Unfortunately, my  father was poisoned and he died in 2006 in the general hospital here in Abidjan . Before his death he deposit the sum of USD $7,500,000.00 (seven Million  five, hundred thousand dollars). In a bank and he left an instruction that the money is strictly for investments abroad. However, before his death, he explained to me that it was because of this wealth that he was poisoned by his business associate and for this reason, he advised me  that encase of  his death, i should move from Bouake down to Abidjan town with some important documents which he used in depositing the fund with the bank.
He also advice me  to seek for someone from a country of my  choice to be my guardian and help me to safeguard this fund in his/her private account for investments which he/she will manage till i  finish my education. I want you to do me a favour to assist me  to transfer the money to your account in your country as my Investor, who is going to assist me travel to your country and continue my education.  i have plans to do investment in your country, like real estate and industrial production. This is MY reason for writing to you. Please if you are willing to assist me, contact me immediately via email  for more details. i promise to reward you ramsonly with a reasonable percentage for your utmost assistrance and kindness to me.
Finally, note that the confidentiality of this transaction would be highly appreciated, Please reply as soon as possible.
Yours, truly,

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