Un jihadist ISIS s-a convertit recent la crestinism dupa ce a fost lasat sa moara undeva langa granita de est a Siriei. In acest loc a fost gasit de catre niste misionari crestini din regiune si a fost salvat.
Omul, care printr-un miracul a supravietuit mai multor impuscaturi intr-o altercatie dintre ISIS si armatia Siriana, a fost salvat de niste membrii a unei biserici catolice din cate am citit, la cateva ore dupa ce conflictul a incetat.
Acesti oameni au vrut sa ii ofere omului o inmormantare decenta si l-au carat peste 26 de km, dar apoi omul a revenit la viata, desi toti credeau ca nu mai are sanse din cauza ranilor multiple.
Dupa ce omul a devenit lucid, a spus unui preot de viziunile pe care le-a avut cand era „mort”, viziuni care au schimbat viata acestul jihadist de 32 de ani. Dupa cateva zile s-a si convertit la crestinism.
Am sa va pun mai jos textul in engleza cu ce a zis el:
“He told me that he was always taught that to die as a martyr would open him the Gates of Jannah, or Gates of Heaven” recalled the priest. “Yet, as he had started to ascend towards the light of the Heavens, devilish entities, or Jinns he called them, appeared and led him to the fiery pits of Hell. There he had to relive all the pain he had inflicted upon others and every death he had caused throughout his entire life. He even had to relive the decapitations of his victims through their own eyes”
Then Allah, or God, spoke unto him and told him that he had failed miserably as a human soul, that he would be banned from the Gates of Heaven if he chose to die, but that if he chose to live again, he would have another chance to repent of his sins and walk along God’s path once again
Ranile acestui om au disparut intr-un timp surprinzator de scurt. El a ales sa ramana cu membrii bisericii catolice care l-au si salvat din desert si spera ca poveste lui sa ajute pe alti luptatori ISIS sa isi schimbe viziunea si sa se converteasta la singurul si adevaratul Dumnezeu.
Minunat, nu? Oamenii care l-au salvat au dat dovada de marturie si au inteles ca trebuie sa isi riste viata pentru Isus… si acest lucru nu a ramas fara roade.
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