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I’m not a driver, i’m a romanian one!


See this idiot driving? Yes, the one in the blue car. He is an completely idiot. Maybe you are wondering why? Well, on my street, there is an bus station, and by law, drivers must wait until the bus leaves the station. Well this hammer head came with aproximately 70-80 km\hour and cut out the bus, leaving after the bus 4 cars. In actual fact, this dummy cut out 4 cars plus the bus. That’s how romanians drive(some of them, the are some good ones too). And they are wondering why people in other countries fear of drivers from our country. Shame on you romanian drivers!

1 comentarii la acest articol

  1. articolul nehotarat „an„ se pune in fata la cuv care incep cu o vocala, de expl „an idiot„ dar se scrie „a moron„…ai gresit d 2 ori si se scrie „ he is a COMPLET idiot„..npc

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