A geek change

T-shirt received from New Relic

A few days ago I was thinking to change the niche of my blog to something more „geeky”. I changed my tag line and a few of the thing around here but I never managed to write about this change. Then, today, I received a free T-shirt from New Relic and I decided to do this today. From now on I will write more in English if I can. But i don’t promise that everything will be in English, because all my readers are Romanian. So when the post will be personally, it will be in Romanian. But i will post more about Tech and Geek stuff and problems i encountered when programming. I will start today with 2 java applications from my college. But more about this, very soon. I don’t know how many people read this, but i like to write and after years to read something from the past.

Thank you for reading this and we will hear soon.

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Cred ca nu mai are rost sa zic, dar tema e facuta de mine cu Tailwind CSS. Gasesti codul sursa aici.
Inca folosesc WordpPess 🧡. Tema e insa custom Laravel 😎.