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Fun with omegle

Nu demult am descoperit un nou site interesant, Am citit de el prin ceva blog de prin afara Romaniei.

omegle La ce mai ajuta si site-ul acesta? Sau ce face? Pai, in primul rand, vorbesti cu persoane de peste tot de pe glob. De la persoane din America pana la persoane din Africa. Partea interesanta este ca nu ii cunosti identitatea. Este doar un strain pentru tine si tu pentru el. Nici macar nu iti poti alege un nickname. Poate va intrebati: la ce mai ajuta? PAi, la distractie. De distrezi de unii cat sunt de inteligenti(NOT). Poti sa vorbesti romaneste si ei nu inteleg nimic, deci le poti zice orice

Mai jos va pun cateva conversatii haioase de pe acest site :)).

Stranger: i live in the AF part of africa
Stranger: europe is cool i was there before in boston
You: boston is not in eruope
Stranger: yes it is
Stranger: i been there
Stranger: dont tell me
You: it’s in america
Stranger: oh sorry


You: First of all i would like to know in what country do you live?

Stranger: Saudi Arabia

Stranger: don’t panic please

You: are you a terorist?

Stranger: no

You: i don’t believe you

You: i’m affraid talking to you

Stranger: do you think a terrorist will chat with you ?

Stranger: no you don’t have to

Stranger: where are you from ?

You: good job trowing airplanes in air NOOB


Stranger: in finland

Stranger: and you?

You: romanian

Stranger: ok

Stranger: is that important?

Stranger: your country

You: my country is forgotten by everybody, inspite the fact that we are in the EU


Stranger: asl

You: hi\

Stranger: ?

You: die noob, a conversation begins with HI

You: not with ASL


––––––––- Si ultima conversatie

Stranger: hi!

You: hi

You: First of all i would like to know in what country do you live?

Stranger: canada

Stranger: the land of buttons

You: 😀

Stranger: and maple syrup

You: i’m from Romania, nobody’s land

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