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Datorita cui nu mai am eu cont pe Youtube

prima youtube

Edit: Pentru ca sa nu fie discutii, respect decizia celor de la Prima TV, totusi au copyright pe filmele alea(desi le-am inregistrat eu cu tv-tunerul), dar ma deranjeaza faptul ca dupa 2-3 ani s-au gandit si ei sa isi ceara drepturile.

S-a bagat Prima TV la scos videouri de pe Youtube. Eu aveam un filmulet cu faze tari de la Megastar, cu peste 100k de vizualizari! Dar au descoperit romanii ca pot sa scoata videouri de pe Youtube. Astfel, fiind la a 3-a abatere de acest gen(aveam 3-4 video-uri cu Megastar), contul meu de Youtube (cu multe video-uri uploadate) a fost sters. Multumeeeeesc, multumesc mult Prima TV. Sunteti niste fuduli, zic.

Edit: Raspunsul de la Youtube:

Hi filippacurar,
Thanks for your email. We received multiple notifications from various
content owners regarding unauthorized content that has been uploaded by
your account(s). When we’re notified that a particular video uploaded to
our site infringes another’s copyright, we remove the material as the law
requires. Federal law requires that we terminate accounts when they are
found to repeatedly infringe copyright. Because you have had other videos
rejected in the past, we are unable to reinstate your account. Users with
suspended or terminated accounts are prohibited from creating new accounts
or accessing YouTube’s community. You will need to resolve at least one of
these penalties before your account can be reinstated. You may be able to
resolve at least one of the following video removals by filing a
The following videos have been removed from your account:
Penalty 1:
„Prison Break s03ep09 Ad” formerly at
Removed due to a copyright claim by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
on 11/15/2007
Penalty 2:
„Dexter – A Hard Day’s Day” formerly at
Removed due to a copyright claim by The Cartoon Network, Inc. on
Penalty 3:
„Megastar 6” formerly at
Removed due to a copyright claim by Prima TV on 01/28/2010
IMPORTANT: If you feel a content owner has misidentified your content as
infringing, you may be able to resolve one or more of these penalties by
filing a counter-notification. For more information, please visit our Help
Center article about counter-notifications at
The YouTube Team

Deci, adio cont!

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