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Cheile Nerei 2011

A sosit si vremea sa mergem in tabara cu grupul. Inca din primavara ne-am hotarat ca mergem in Cheile Nerei. Asta era o veste buna pentru iubitorii de apa. Ne-am adunat cu o zi inainte, Duminica, sa vorbim despre ce sa nu uitam si ultimile instructiuni.

Luni dimineata, la 5 eram in gara. Am luat un tren spre Timisoara, unul care pe net scria ca nu circula. In Timisoara am schimbat un tren spre Berzovia, iar in Berzovia al 3-lea tren, cel spre Oravita. Am ajuns pe la 2 in Oravita si de acolo am mers pe rand cu masina lu’ Nati! Ce mai ingramadeala. Nu mai puteam acolo de inghesuiti ce eram. Bagaje, 5 persoana pe langa sofer. Ce mai… super :))

In cele din urma ajungem la bifurcatia unde o iei spre Ochiul Bei sau cantonul silvic Damian. Am luat-o pe jos spre Damian, iar Nati s-a dus cu masina si bagajele. A fost un drum cam de 1-2 kilometrii dar care ni s-a parut asa de luuuuuuuuuung, pentru ca… eram obositi? Sigur!

Am ajuns la cantonul Damian, ne-am pus corturile si am inceput sa facem ceva de haleala.

Mai tarziu noi baietii am umflat saltelele si am mers sa vedem cum e sa faci rafting pe Nera cu salteaua. La mine a fost prima data. Ma bagam in toti pomii pentru ca nu stiam cum sta treaba. Asa ca m-am indreptat spre mal si am luat-o pe jos.

Marti ne-am dus toti cu saltelele, si acum eram hotarat sa merg bine si sa nu ma mai intorc. Asa a si fost. Am mers pana la izvor (la 30 de minute de locul de campat, in amonte) apoi am mers pe jos pana in Damian.

Miercuri – traseeeeeeeu. Am pornit dimineata devreme spre Lacul Dracului. Traseul a fost frumos. Am mers pe langa Nera, urcam mai si coboram. Frumos. Am ajuns apoi la un pod suspendat luung. Ce fain a fost si acolo. M-am dus in capat de 3 ori. Senzatie.

Apoi am ajuns la Lacul Dracului –  balta mult asteptata :)). Frumos lacul :). Citesc ca e un fenomen unic in Romania, desi deja stiam de la geografia din a 8-a. Mancam si ne pregatim de intoarcere. Cativa din noi se intorc acasa pana la un punct prin Nera. Eu pentru ca nu stiam sa inot am luat-o inapoi pe deal, cu 2 fete dupa mine. Ne-am intalnit cu cei ce mergeau prin apa la un anumit punct si de acol iar am mers toti pe jos.

Am ajuns acasa rupti. Ne era foamee. Era timpu pentru fasole.

Joi iar ne-am dus la rafting cu saltelele, de data asta am mers 2-3 ore si eu, chiar pana la Damian. S-a meritat. Am vazut si o broasca testoasa printre lemne. Am crezut ca nu am vazut bine (nu am zarit decat carapacea), dar apoi cand am auzit ca pe pancarda scrie ca sunt si broaste testoase, am fost sigur.

Vineri – dimineata a plouat. Credeam ca nu mai mergem in al 2-lea traseu. Am dormit deja cu jumatate de ora mai mult decat era programat. Dar pana la urma s-a oprit ploaia. Si am plecat din nou spre Ochiul Bei.

Un traseu mai scurt si mai usor. Majoritatea drumului se putea face si cu masina, deci va dati seama ce usor. Am facut cateva ore bune. Apoi am ajuns la pastravarie. Acolo erau si altii in camping. Mergem mai departe, ajungem in vreo jumatate de ora la Ochiul Bei. Stam vreo 15 minute sa ne uitam, dupa care urcam in continuare spre Cascadele Beusnitei. Acolo a fost cu adevarat frumos.

Dupa ce am mancat langa cascada, ne-am urcat in sus pe cascada si am mers sa vedem ce este. Am descoperit o carare, deci si altii au luat-o pe acolo. Erau niste peisaje superbe.

Am pornit din nou spre casa, cand ajungem la bifurcatie, ne intalnim cu niste tipi ce se pregateau sa faca rafting profesional, adica cu barci pneumatice si echipament profi. Ne mai intalnim si cu doi tipi de la administratia parcului, unul din ei mai badaran vine la noi si direct ne zice “AVEM O TAXA DE VIZITARE DE 5 LEI”. Stiam asta, dar chiar asa urat sa spuna? Le-am explicat ca  nu avem bani la noi si au zis ca o sa vina ei la canton sa ia si de la restu. Da nu au mai ajuns. Am economisit 5 lei.

Sambata am lenevit. Ne-am jucat Cludeo si alte jocuri. Am facut baie. Chestii de astea, ca de ultima zi. Seara am dormit toti afara, in jurul focului, in sacul de dormit. Ne-am culcat pe la 4.30.

Desi am auzit ca e plin de vipere pe acolo, nu am vazut decat una. Era sa calcam pe ea (eu si Marius). Eu am vazut-o la timp iar apoi toti ne-am strans sa o vedem. Marius a luat suportul de la ceaun si cu coltul ce se baga in pamant i-a dat direct head-shot. Desi avea capul crapat, ea tot se misca si a disparut de acolo. Mi-a ramas imaginea cum ea incerca sa muste ceaunul si casca gura. Pff. In primele zile am fost atent pe unde calcam, dar apoi am uitat ca mai is si vipere pe acolo.

Duminica ne-am trezit si am inceput sa strangem de pe acolo dupa ce am mancat. Am terminat de strans si ne-am luat la revedere de la Cantonul Damian. Am pornit din nou pe jos pana la bifurcatie, de acolo am facut iar doua ture cu masina pana in Oravita.

Am uitat sa zic de Oravita. M-i sa parut un oras destul de ciudat. Toti se certau, am auzit ca sotiei unui domn i s-a furat poseta, in parc o familie se certa, pe tren un tip ne-a avertizat  sa nu ne apuce noaptea in Oravita ca nu e frumos. Ciudatt.

Din Oravita din nou am luat trenul spre Berzovia, iar apoi spre Timisoara. In Timisoara, Alina si Naty ne astepta cu o shaorma din complexul studentesc si o gogoasa. Numa bine, toti eram lihniti.

Apoi seara pe la 9.30 am ajuns inapoi in Arad. Din nou in poluare si printre oameni.

In concluzie – a fost foarte faaaaaaaaain. S-a meritat!

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  • Filip Pacurar This Article was mentioned on
  • Nostalgia: tent edition - Filip Iulian Pacurar (Filipac) There are moments in my life when I become nostalgic. Those moments primarily appear when I rediscover a thing from my past that brings back memories. Some of these moments appear when I visit my parents’ house where I lived for 20 years. Some of my things are still there and some are even in the same place I left them when I got married 6 years ago. The last time I went on to search through things there was this week when I was searching for a sleeping bag after we took the tent from my parents. We are planning to go camping in the tent for a few weekends when our schedule will allow it and my parents have a big 5 person tent. In its own history since we have that tent, it was only me that I’ve actually used it. 4 or 5 times when I went camping with a group of friends and one time when I went with my wife Catalina camping on a popular road in Romania, the Transfagarasan. This tent surely brings back a lot of memories. First camping trip with the tent was in 2009, in Chisindia, a village in my county. This was the first trip with my group of friends from church, though only the boys wanted to go this time, so it was a boys only camping trip. Then in 2010 with the same group of friends from church, we went to Padis, a really nice location in Romania, located in Apuseni National Park. This time the girls decided to come too. The main memories I have here are two now that quickly come to my mind. First, my 17th birthday was here while camping and the girls made a cake from what materials we had available: cocoa, biscuits, and candies. Normally you don’t eat a cake with those ingredients, but it was very good considering that we did not eat something sweet for days in a row. The second memory from this trip is that on an evening there a really heavy rain started out of nowhere while we were at our tents. Because my tent was the biggest one there every one of us gathered in my tent. Imagine 12 persons inside a 5 person tent. It was nice and we had activities to do while outside it was pouring down with heavy rain. 2011 time. This time we went to a really nice place in Romania with the same group of friends and the same tent: Cheile Nerei. This is a really nice camping place where you have plenty of activities to do. Oh, and plenty of water also. Sadly, I can’t find all the photos from this trip, all that I can find are the photos I’ve already shared here, I will keep looking for those pictures cause I hate not having all of them. One memory I have from this trip is the time a friend almost stepped on a poisonous snake (that area is known for having viper snakes). Then we tried to kill the snake so it won’t bite us and we thought we succeeded after we hit it with the leg of the kettle. But after a while, the snake recovered and ran away. Our last camp/trip in this formula was in 2012 when we went to Stana de Vale. It was straight after I finished with my 12th-grade exams and before applying for college. After this trip, we started to be busier and unfortunately the trips stopped, but it was a great trip too in a really nice place. Sadly again not all photos from here were found for this post, will work more on finding those. So you’ll have to believe that I used the same tent. One memory I have from this trip is the time we tried to make a natural stove with mud and wood. We spent a lot of time carrying mud from the woods, then we made a structure for the stove and made a fire. Instead of drying, the mud fell down and our stove was broken. But hey, who spent 2 hours making it? We did! After this trip, the tent stayed in the garage for 4 years. In the meantime, I got married to Catalina. After a little below 1 year of marriage, we went for a weekend with the same old tent in Transfagarasn, a nice road in our mountains. It was the first time Catalina slept in a tent, and by the way, she was pregnant. It was the 15th of August but we both remember it was one of the coldest nights we ever experienced. We had 2 or 3 layers of clothes on us and we were still shaking from the cold weather. This was the last time the tent was used, in 2016. Since then it has stayed in my parent’s garage unused. So imagine the joy and memories I had when this week we took the tent again to our house and we’ve set it up to inspect it and see if it’s still good for new trips. The tent has a really nice quality, made by an American company so it’s still good. And while all those memories I wrote above came to my mind while I and my wife were installing it, I was thinking what a wonderful feeling to have both of my boys in the same tent I spent time as a teenager. For me, this is one of the weirdest but nicest feelings, not sure about you, but I really like these nostalgia moments I get. Do you have that kind of moment, when you really want to look through old photos and live those memories again? Most of the time when I am this way, I share photos I find with my friends and we laugh about those times. It is really nice and I am really glad I kept ~500GB of old photos in my cloud, those will be pure gold when I will be much older than I am now. And also hey… what a strong tent, isn’t it? 😂 Post edit: I wrote this post 7 hours ago, on July 17th. Now after 7 hours guess what I see on my iPhone? Exactly on 17th July I was on the first trip with this tent, the one I mentioned here too. Whaaat? Spooky! </a> <a href=""> </a>Like this:Like Loading...<a></a> <em>Related</em> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});


  • 💬 Filip Pacurar
  • 💬 Nostalgia: tent edition - Filip Iulian Pacurar (Filipac)

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