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Cat de mult ii datoreaza Joey la Chandler?

Oricum ai lua-o, sa traiesti in Manhattan e destul de scump, a fost si va fi! In episodul numit The One Where Rachel is Late din sezonul 8, Joey incearca sa calculeze cam cati bani ii datoreaza la Chandler pentru ultimii 3 ani. Cand vede suma uriasa, brusc ii trece supararea si ii spune la Chandler ca il iarta pentru prostia care a facut-o.

Un om curios pe Reddit a postat o intrebare si a vrut sa stie suma exacta pe care Joey ar datora-o la Chandler si raspunsul a venit in mai putin de 24 de ore.

He then says 3 years worth of rent, utilities, and food. They live in Manhattan in a nice area of The Village, in a 2 bedroom, 1 bath, apartment on one of the upper levels. That is a very expensive location to live in; today an apartment like that would cost around $5000 a month easily, using as a guide (and I’m low balling it assuming they got a good deal). Using an online dollar appreciation site, and using the year 1997, i found that $5000 would translate too about $3500 for them. The rent was supposed to be split 2 ways, so this is 3 years of chandler paying Joey’s $1250. So $45,000 in rent alone. Now we’re at $49,000.

De asemenea, luand in calcul si cablul, intretinerea etc, suma devine si mai mare.


In total, if he calculated everything, it would be around $90,760. Chandler basically funded the living expenses of a full grown man for 3 years in one of the most expensive parts of Manhattan, so it was pretty costly to him.

Chiar si pentru un prieten, suma este destul de uriasa! Iti vine sa te intrebi de ce s-a lasat Chandler prostit asa de mult? Raspunsul unui om de pe Reddit: Because they’re FRIENDS.


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