Nu ma gandeam ca prea multa lume din cercul meu stie de konami code.
De obicei apare melodia de rickroll cand introduci codul, dar era un cliseu prea mare nu?
Eu l-am invitat pe John Cena sa ne incante!!!!!!!!!
Melodie de noapte buna. Este ora 3:35 si eu nu pot nicicum sa adorm si am schimbat cateva chestii mici la blog. Deci va las sa ascultati melodia. Va pun si versurile. Noapte buna.
When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it beLet it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it beAnd when the broken-hearted people
Living in the world agree
There will be an answer, let it be
For though they may be parted
There is still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it beLet it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Yeah, there will be an answer, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it beLet it be, let it be
Ah, let it be, yeah, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it beAnd when the night is cloudy
There is still a light that shines on me
Shine on until tomorrow, let it be
I wake up to the sound of music,
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it beLet it be, let it be
Let it be, yeah, let it be
Oh, there will be an answer, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, yeah, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be
[…] romani. Am aflat ca eu sustin LGBT, desi am pozitii publice si ferme legate de asta (exemplu 1, exemplu…