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24 November 2016 (1:21 pm)

Filtru folosit: Clarendon Poza facuta la: Atrium Mall Vezi pe Instagram ⇒
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Third episode of my #vlog, tomorrow @ 7AM

Third episode of my #vlog, tomorrow @ 7AM
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Tried to make a vlog today! Soon, on my blog!

Tried to make a vlog today! Soon, on my blog!
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Tripple display, one keyboard and mouse! Perfect development environment

Tripple display, one keyboard and mouse! Perfect development environment
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Iosua says:
Nu inteleg ce spune

Salutare, bine ati venit pe blogul lui Tata! Sa stiti ca aici nu o sa gasiti desene, v-am avertizat!

Iosua Pacurar

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There is nothing wrong in having a busy calendar.

There is nothing wrong in having a busy calendar.
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12 October 2016 (12:10 am)

Filtru folosit: X-Pro II Poza facuta la: Cetatea Oradea Vezi pe Instagram ⇒
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rezervate. Faceti ce vreti, e o tara libera.
Cred ca nu mai are rost sa zic, dar tema e facuta de mine cu Tailwind CSS. Gasesti codul sursa aici.
Inca folosesc WordpPess 🧡. Tema e insa custom Laravel 😎.