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Not sleeping for 5 hours when you’re a baby can get you wasted! :))

Not sleeping for 5 hours when you’re a baby can get you wasted! :))
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Aceasta companie awesome la care sunt angajat de 5 ani implineste azi 5 ani! Hmm, coincidenta? ? La multi ani, Web Efficient!

Aceasta companie awesome la care sunt angajat de 5 ani implineste azi 5 ani! Hmm, coincidenta? ? La multi ani, Web Efficient!
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Highway to Brasov ❤️ #travel #vacation

Highway to Brasov ❤️ #travel #vacation
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Who needs clothes in vacation? :)) #vacationmood

Who needs clothes in vacation? :)) #vacationmood
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La fel de aglomerata Timisoara la orice ora din zi!

La fel de aglomerata Timisoara la orice ora din zi!
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Iosua says:
Nu inteleg ce spune

Salutare, bine ati venit pe blogul lui Tata! Sa stiti ca aici nu o sa gasiti desene, v-am avertizat!

Iosua Pacurar

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This little bug is 7 months now. He grows up so fast, only yesterday he could barely move his head in bed and today he wraps the whole house in toilet paper. Happy birthday Joshua! #babyboy #birthday #7monthsold #joy

This little bug is 7 months now. He grows up so fast, only yesterday he could barely move his head in bed and today he wraps the whole house in toilet paper. Happy birthday Joshua! #babyboy #birthday #7monthsold #joy
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Typical Joshua face when wants something! #babyboy #growingupsofast

Typical Joshua face when wants something! #babyboy #growingupsofast
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5 August 2017 (7:38 pm)

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Cred ca nu mai are rost sa zic, dar tema e facuta de mine cu Tailwind CSS. Gasesti codul sursa aici.
Inca folosesc WordpPess 🧡. Tema e insa custom Laravel 😎.